Bookings Templates

In this article

WooCommerce Bookings template files contain the markup and template structure for Bookings related pages and HTML emails in your store.

Template files can be found within the /woocommerce-bookings/templates/ directory of the Bookings extension, and can be overridden just like WooCommerce core template files.

Template List

The listing below contains the location and a description of each template Bookings uses. The location is relative to the /woocommerce-bookings/templates/ directory.

/booking-form/date-picker.php The template for displaying the booking form and calendar without time to customers.
/booking-form/datetime-picker.php The template for displaying the booking form and calendar with time blocks to customers.
/booking-form/hidden.php The template used for hidden fields in the booking form.
/booking-form/month-picker.php The template used for the month picker on the booking form.
/booking-form/number.php The template used for number fields in the booking form, such as persons or durations.
/booking-form/select.php The template used for select fields in the booking form, such as resources.
/emails/admin-booking-cancelled.php Admin booking cancelled email.
/emails/admin-new-booking.php Admin new booking email.
/emails/customer-booking-cancelled.php Customer booking cancelled email.
/emails/customer-booking-confirmed.php Customer booking confirmed email.
/emails/customer-booking-notification.php Customer booking notification email, plain text.
/emails/customer-booking-reminder.php Customer booking reminder email.
/emails/plain/admin-booking-cancelled.php Admin booking cancelled email, plain text.
/emails/plain/admin-new-booking.php Admin new booking email, plain text.
/emails/plain/customer-booking-cancelled.php Customer booking cancelled email, plain text.
/emails/plain/customer-booking-confirmed.php Customer booking confirmed email, plain text.
/emails/plain/customer-booking-notification.php Customer booking notification email, plain text.
/emails/plain/customer-booking-reminder.php Customer booking reminder email, plain text.
/myaccount/bookings.php Shows customer bookings on the My Account > Bookings page.
/order/admin/booking-display.php The template for displaying a booking summary when reviewing a customer order.
/order/booking-display.php The template for displaying a booking summary to customers. Displays in three places: after checkout, in the order confirmation email, and when customer reviews order in My Account > Orders.
/order/booking-summary-list.php The template for displaying the list of bookings in the summary for customers. It is used in two other templates /order/booking-display.php and /order/admin/booking-display.php, and it will display where they do.
/single-product/booking.php Booking product add to cart form.

You can edit these files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. Copy it into a directory within your theme named /woocommerce-bookings, keeping the same file structure but removing the /templates/ subdirectory.

Example: To override the bookings summary list,
copy: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-bookings/templates/order/bookings-summary-list.php
to wp-content/themes/yourtheme/woocommerce-bookings/order/booking-summary-list.php

The copied file will now override the WooCommerce Bookings default template file.

Do not edit these files within the Bookings extension as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost. For more detailed information, see Fixing Outdated WooCommerce Templates.

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