Roles and Capabilities

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WooCommerce registers two user roles once activated, and grants additional capabilities to the Admin:

  • manage_woocommerce for WooCommerce Settings
  • view_woocommerce_reports

Customer role

People become Customers when registering via the checkout or sign-up process.


  • Have read access only for most capacities. This is the equivalent status to a normal blog subscriber.
  • Can edit their own account information.
  • View past/present orders.

Shop Manager role

Shop Manager is a role you can give someone to manage the shop without making them an Admin. They have all the rights a customer has, and are granted the main capabilities:

  • manage_woocommerce: Gives shop managers the option to manage all settings within WooCommerce, and create/edit products.
  • view_woocommerce_reports: Gives them access to all WooCommerce reports.

The Shop Manager role has all the capabilities listed at our WooCommerce GitHub repo.

They also have general WordPress editor capabilities.

Tweaking capabilities

If you wish to modify roles and capabilities, use a third-party plugin such as:

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