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Codibu is familiar with the Sidebars and options that can be set using the CodibuTheme options.


Sidebar names

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Do not use special characters or the following names: buddy, events, forum, shop.



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  • SidebarsHere you can add/remove custom sidebars.
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  • StickyMake the sidebar sticky.
  • WidthControl the width of a sidebar (10-50%)
  • LinesSelect the line style of the sidebar. You can have none, default, or full-width lines.
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  • LayoutSelect on which side you want to display the sidebar (or display two sidebars)
  • SidebarProvide the name of the sidebar which you want to display
  • Sidebar 2Provide the name of the second sidebar which you want to display
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  • LayoutSelect on which side you want to display the sidebar (or display two sidebars)
  • SidebarProvide the name of the sidebar which you want to display
  • Sidebar 2Provide the name of the second sidebar which you want to display
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  • LayoutSelect on which side you want to display the sidebar (or display two sidebars)
  • SidebarProvide the name of the sidebar which you want to display
  • Sidebar 2Provide the name of the second sidebar which you want to display
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  • LayoutSelect on which side you want to display the sidebar


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