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Fill in each testimonial and display it on your page using a slider or a list.

Testimonial creation

GO TO > WP Admin > Testimonials > Add New
  • TitleAdd the title; it will only be shown in the backend.
  • Content and the testimonial text into the default WordPress editor.
  • Authorized the name of the author of the testimonial.
  • CompanyInsert the name of the company that the author represents.
  • LinkLink to the company page.
  • The category; you can add categories to each of your testimonials and display specific ones on different pages.
  • Featured ImageAdd an image of the testimonial author. We suggest using square images.

Display on a page

Once you have filled all the slides, you can display them on your website. There are two possibilities:


This method is very useful when you want to insert this item inside your content or when you are not using the Codibu Builder but still want to use the items provided by the theme.

Codibu Builder items

The best and most visual way to add content is the Codibu Builder.



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