Using Smilies

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What Are Smileys? 

Smileys, also known as “emoticons”, are glyphs used to convey emotions in your writing. They are a great way to brighten up posts. 🙂

Text smileys are created by typing two or more punctuation marks. Some examples are:

;-) is equivalent to 😉

:-) is equivalent to 🙂

:-( is equivalent to 🙁

:-? is equivalent to 😕

To learn more about emoticons and their history, see the Wikipedia entry on Emoticons.

Smileys are not Emoji 

Although smileys and emoji can both display smiley faces and such, emoji are a newer development and have a much wider range of images that can be displayed. (They are also created differently.) For more information on emoji and how to use them, see the Emoji page.

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How Does WordPress Handle Smileys? 

By default, WordPress automatically converts text smileys to graphic images. When you type ;-) in your post you see 😉 when you preview or publish your post.

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To Turn off Graphic Smileys 

As of WordPress 4.3, the option to disable graphic smileys was removed from new installs. There is a plugin if you want to retain the option.

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What Text Do I Type to Make Smileys? 

Smiley images and the text used to produce them*:

icon text text full text icon full text
🙂 :) :-) :smile: 😆 :lol:
😀 :D :-D :grin: 😳 :oops:
🙁 :( :-( :sad: 😥 :cry:
😮 :o :-o :eek: 👿 :evil:
😯 8O 8-O :shock: 😈 :twisted:
😕 :? :-? :???: 🙄 :roll:
😎 8) 8-) :cool: ❗ :!:
😡 :x :-x :mad: ❓ :?:
😛 :P :-P :razz: 💡 :idea:
😐 :| :-| :neutral: ➡ :arrow:
😉 ;) ;-) :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

* In some instances, multiple text options are available to display the same smiley.

Category:Getting Started

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Troubleshooting Smileys 

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Why Doesn’t it Work? 

Smileys may have been disabled by your WordPress admin. Another possibility is the smiley image files have been deleted from /wp-includes/images/smilies.

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Why Doesn’t it Work for Me? 

If smileys work for others at your site but not for you:

Type a space before and after your smiley text. That prevents the smiley being accidentally included in the text around it. 😳

Make sure not to use quotes or other punctuation marks before and after the smiley text. 🙄

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Where Are My Smiley Images Kept? 

The smiley or emoticon image graphics are found in the /wp-includes/images/smilies directory.

Note that smileys is spelled ‘eys’ in this documentation and the directory name for the smiley images is ‘smilies, spelled ‘ies’. 😯

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How Can I Have Different Smiley Images Appear? 

The easiest way is to filter the smilies.

Upload the images you want with the same name to your server (say in wp-content/images/smilies) and put this in your theme’s function.php:

add_filter( 'smilies_src', 'my_custom_smilies_src', 10, 3 );
function my_custom_smilies_src( $img_src, $img, $siteurl )
        return $siteurl.'/wp-content/images/smilies/'.$img;

That will replace with

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Why are my Smiley Images Blank? 

If you recently uploaded the images, it could be that the images have been uploaded in ASCII format by your FTP program. Re-upload the smileys ensuring that they are transferred in BINARY format.

Some FTP programs have an auto-detect setting which will upload files in the correct format without user intervention. If you have such a setting, turn it on.

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Smiley CSS 

The smiley images in WordPress are automatically given a CSS class of wp-smiley when they are displayed in a post. You can use this class to style your smileys differently from other post images.

For example, it’s not uncommon to set up images in a post to appear on the left-hand side of the content with text flowing around the image. The CSS for that might look like this:

.post img {
        float: left;

This would typically affect all images in a post, including your smiley images. To override this so that smileys stay inline, you could add this to your CSS:

img.wp-smiley {
        float: none;

For more on CSS in WordPress, you might want to start here.

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More Information on Smileys 

  • Wikipedia – Emoticon
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