Ratings and Reviews

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Allowing reviews on the WooCommerce.com marketplace enables us to better inform customers on our products and services and to help with purchasing decisions. Additionally, it gives customers an opportunity to pass feedback to our support and product development teams.

Customers who buy a product on WooCommerce.com can leave a rating from one to five stars and a few words about their experience.

Leaving reviews

To review a product:

  1. Log in to your WooCommerce.com account
  2. Go to the product listing on WooCommerce.com, and scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Enter a star rating and a comment



Reviews must be:


  • About the product you purchased and/or support you received. Reviews that offer a criticism of Marketplace Terms (such as pricing or subscription terms), rather than the product they’re associated with, will be removed.
  • Provide an explanation of the rating. Reviews that simply say ‘Great!’ or ‘Doesn’t work’ don’t help other customers understand a product better and decide if it’ll apply to their particular situation.
  • Longer than 5 words
  • Not a link or advertisement for third-party products or services
  • Not a “Support Request”
  • About the current/available version, not a past release


  • Accurate and honest, e.g., Should you say you reached out to developers for support, we will verify and remove the review if it is not true.


  • Language and content without spam, profanity, or affiliate links
  • Without personal information, e.g., email address, phone number, mailing address, etc.
  • Not direct people off platform to a competing product or competing marketplace unless there is a feature or functionality disparity that is explicitly called out in the review

Should a review be considered irrelevant and/or inappropriate, it will be removed and the reviewer will receive an explanation and opportunity to revise and resubmit his/her review for publication.

We reserve the right to determine whether a review violates our guidelines.

Version Number

Ratings are associated with a specific version of an extension.

To find out what version of an extension you’re using on your site, log in to your WordPress site and go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.


Flagging reviews

Anyone can mark reviews for potential removal if the content is in violation of Guidelines outlined above.

To flag a review, select the Flag icon:


Flagged reviews are sent to us for moderation and will be reviewed within 10 business days.

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