What products are not permitted on my store when accepting payments with WooCommerce Payments?

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  • What products are not permitted on my store when accepting payments with WooCommerce Payments?

Due to restrictions from card networks, our payment service providers, and their financial service providers, some businesses and product types that are not allowed to transact using WooCommerce Payments, including but not limited to:

  • Virtual currency, including video game or virtual world credits
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Adult content and services
  • Drug paraphernalia (including e-cigarette, vapes and nutraceuticals)
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Pseudo pharmaceuticals
  • Social media activity, like Twitter followers, Facebook likes, YouTube views
  • Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs
  • Firearms, ammunition

The full list of these businesses can be found in Stripe’s Restricted Businesses list.

By signing up to use WooCommerce Payments, you agree not to accept payments in connection with these restricted activities, practices or products. We also work to ensure that no prohibited activity is conducted on WooCommerce Payments.

If we become aware of prohibited activity, we may restrict or shutdown the account responsible.

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