WooCommerce Memberships Brands Integration

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If you use WooCommerce Brands to create additional categorization and filtering on your site, you can use WooCommerce Memberships to restrict Brands or offer brand discounts to members.


Restricting brand products

When you sell items from specific brands in your marketplace, you can restrict those items to members just as you can any other products. However, you can also restrict all products from a brand to members easily.

When creating your membership plan (WooCommerce > Memberships > Membership Plans), you’ll see a new product type under the “Restrict Products” tab. You can select “Brands”, then select a brand to restrict all products from a brand to this membership.

WooCommerce Memberships Restrict Products from a Brand
Restrict Products from a Brand

When a customer views a product from this brand, it will be restricted according to your rules.

WooCommerce Memberships Brand restriction


Brand discounts

All products from a particular brand can be discounted for members. When creating a purchasing discount for a plan, you can select a brand for the discount. This discount will be applied to any products from the brand for members of this plan.

WooCommerce memberships brand discount

Specific products from a brand can be discounted as usual.

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