For Developers: Frontend Hook Reference
WooCommerce Memberships is extremely extensible and offers ample actions and filters for developers to customize it as needed. If a hook doesn’t exist where you think it should, please submit a ticket so we can consider its addition.
This hook reference includes some of the actions and filters developers may find useful while customizing the plugin, but is not an exhaustive reference of all plugin hooks. Inline docs include parameters and returned values for more detail — the appropriate file for each hook is listed so you can refer to it.
This reference lists helpful filters / actions and is meant to be a directory. Please see the plugin’s inline documentation for additional details on parameters, returned values, and usage.
Filters: Member Messages
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $notice
- @return
- string – updated notice
Filter the user cancelled membership message on frontend — defaults to, “Your membership was cancelled.”
- @since
- 1.3.8
- @param
- string $message The message text
- @return
- string – the updated message
Filter the member login notice message. This can be configured under settings as well, but we recommend using the default message and filtering as needed, as by default this message responds to the number of discounted items in the cart.
Filters: Restriction Messages
- @since
- 1.6.0
- @param
- string $content HTML content displayed for the post
- @param
- bool $restricted Whether the content is restricted
- @param
- string $message The restriction message applied, could be empty string
- @param
- WP_Post $post The post being restricted
- @return
- string – the updated restricted content HTML
If you wanted to remove a restriction notice completely, you could use this filter to modify the message HTML or delete it. This example snippet shows its use for modifying the restricted content, so you could return the content without the restriction message, or modify the message and return the content as desired.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $message The restriction message
- @param
- int $product_id ID of the product being restricted
- @param
- array $products Array of product IDs that grant access to this product
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filters the product viewing restricted message.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $message The restriction message
- @param
- int $product_id ID of the product being restricted
- @param
- array $products Array of product IDs that grant access to this product
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filters the product purchasing restricted message.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $message The restriction message
- @param
- int $post_id ID of the product being restricted
- @param
- array $products Array of product IDs that grant access to this product
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filters the content restricted message.
- @since
- 1.3.1
- @param
- string $message Delayed content message
- @param
- int $post_id Post ID that the message applies to
- @param
- string $access_time Access time timestamp
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filters the content delayed message.
Example to show a custom delayed message for the “project” post type:
<?php // only copy this line if needed /** * Change the "content delayed" message displayed to members who will have access, but not yet * Example: change the delayed content message for the "Projects" post type * * @param string $message the message html * @param string[] $args { * @type string $context whether the message appears in the context of a notice or elsewhere * @type WP_Post $post the post object * @type int $post_id the ID of the restricted post * @type int $access_time the user access timestamp * @type int[] $products the product IDs that grant access * @type string $rule_type the related rule type * @type string|string[] $classes optional message CSS classes * } * @return string $message the updated message text */ function sv_wc_memberships_change_content_delayed_message( $message, $args ) { // only change the delayed message if a project is being viewed // {date} will be replaced automatically after this filter with access date if ( 'project' === get_post_type( $args['post_id'] ) ) { $message = 'This project is part of your membership, but not yet! You will gain access on {date}'; } return $message; } add_filter( 'wc_memberships_content_delayed_message', 'sv_wc_memberships_change_content_delayed_message', 10, 2 );
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $message The restriction message
- @param
- string $taxonomy Product taxonomy
- @param
- int $term_id Product taxonomy term id
- @param
- array $products Array of product IDs that grant access to products taxonomy
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filters the product category viewing restricted message. Defaults to, “This product category can only be viewed by members. To view this category, sign up by purchasing {products}, or log in if you are a member.” If no product purchases can grant access to the category, defaults to, “This product category can only be viewed by members.”
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $message The delayed access message
- @param
- string $taxonomy Product taxonomy
- @param
- int $term_id Product taxonomy term id
- @return
- string – the updated restriction message
Filter the product term viewing delayed access message. Defaults to, “This product category is part of your membership, but not yet! You will gain access on {date}.”
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $message The discount message
- @param
- int $product_id ID of the product that has member discounts
- @param
- array $products Array of product IDs that grant access to this product
- @return
- string – the updated discount message
Filters the member discount message shown to non-members or non-logged in users.
Filters: Member Discounts
- @since
- 1.3.0
- @param
- bool $use_discount_format Defaults to true
located in: /includes/class-wc-memberships-member-discounts.php
Controls whether or not member prices should use discount format when displayed. If returned false, discounted prices will be shown without the original price. Defaults to true.
- @since
- 1.3.0
- @param
- bool $display_sale_price Defaults to false
located in: /includes/class-wc-memberships-member-discounts.php
Controls whether or not member prices should display sale prices as well. If returned true, the original price, sale price, and member price will be shown.
Default: $nonmember price $member price
Returned True: $original price $sale price $member price
Defaults to false — only shows sale price [if set] and member price, or original price and member price.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $badge_html the member discount badge HTML
- @param
- WP_Post $post Post object
- @param
- WC_Product $product Product object
- @return
- string – updated badge HTML
located in: /templates/loop/member-discount-badge.php
Filters the Member Discount badge HTML.
Filters: My Memberships
- @since
- 1.5.0
- @param
- string $title My Memberships table title
- @return
- string – updated title
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-memberships.php
Filters the title of the My Memberships table. Defaults to “My Memberships”.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $my_memberships_columns Associative array of column ids and names
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @return
- array – updated array of columns
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-memberships.php
Filters the My Memberships table columns in My Account page. Example: remove “end date” column:
<?php // only copy this line if needed /** * Remove the "End Date" column from the My Memberships table * * @param array $columns the columns in the "My Memberships" table * @return array $columns the updated array of columns */ function sv_wc_memberships_remove_end_date_column( $columns ) { unset( $columns['membership-end-date'] ); return $columns; } add_filter( 'wc_memberships_my_memberships_column_names', 'sv_wc_memberships_remove_end_date_column' );
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $url renewal URL
- @param
- WC_Memberships_User_Membership $user_membership
- @return
- string – updated URL
located in: /includes/class-wc-memberships-user-membership.php
Filters the renewal URL for a membership. Helpful if you want to change the renewal URL / button to “upgrade” a membership.
Example: Renew trial plan by purchasing an upgrade.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- string $url cancellation URL
- @param
- WC_Memberships_User_Membership $user_membership
- @return
- string – updated URL
located in: /includes/class-wc-memberships-user-membership.php
Filters the cancel URL for a membership. Not needed for memberships purchased via subscription, as the button is hidden.
Filters: Member Area
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $member_area_sections Associative array with member area id and label of each section
- @param
- int|string $membership_plan Optional, the current membership plan, might be empty
- @return
- array – updated array of sections
located in: /includes/wc-memberships-membership-plan-functions.php
Filters the available choices for the members area sections of a membership plan.
Example: Rename the section links:
<?php // only copy this line if needed /** * Rename the section links for the "Member Area" * Can rename any section links using the section ID * * @param array $sections the array of section link IDs and text * @return array $sections the updated array of section links */ function sv_wc_memberships_rename_member_area_sections( $sections ) { $sections['my-membership-content'] = __( 'Club Articles', 'my-text-domain' ); $sections['my-membership-products'] = __( 'Club Products', 'my-text-domain' ); $sections['my-membership-discounts'] = __( 'Exclusive Discounts', 'my-text-domain' ); $sections['my-membership-notes'] = __( 'Notes from MySite', 'my-text-domain' ); return $sections; } add_filter( 'wc_membership_plan_members_area_sections', 'sv_wc_memberships_rename_member_area_sections' );
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $default_actions Associative array of actions
- @param
- WC_Memberships_User_Membership $user_membership User Membership object
- @param
- WC_Product|WP_Post|object $object Current object where the action is run (optional)
- @return
- array – updated array of actions
located in: /includes/wc-memberships-template-functions.php
Filter membership actions on My Account and Members Area pages. The $section is the member area section, e.g., ‘my-membership’, ‘my-membership-content’, etc.
Example: Remove “Cancel” button.
My Membership Content
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $title the section title
- @return
- string – the updated title
Filters the heading for the “My Content” section.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $columns Associative array of column ids and names
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @return
- array – updated array of columns
Filters the columns in the “My Content” section. If adding a column, be sure to also fill that column with content using the
action. Example to add an “Author” column:
<?php // only copy this line if needed /** * Add an "Author" column to the "My Content" table in the members area * * @param array $columns the columsn in the "My Content" table * @return array $columns the updated array of columns */ function sv_wc_memberships_my_content_table_add_column( $columns ) { $new_columns = array(); foreach ( $columns as $column_id => $column_name ) { $new_columns[ $column_id ] = $column_name; // insert our new "Author" column after the "Title" column if ( 'membership-content-title' === $column_id ) { $new_columns['membership-content-author'] = __( 'Author', 'your-textdomain' ); } } return $new_columns; } add_filter( 'wc_memberships_members_area_my_membership_content_column_names', 'sv_wc_memberships_my_content_table_add_column', 11 ); /** * Fills the "Author" column with the post author * * @param WP_Post $post the post object used for the row's display */ function sv_wc_memberships_my_content_table_add_column_content( $post ) { $author = get_user_by( 'ID', $post->post_author ); echo $author->display_name; } add_action( 'wc_memberships_members_area_my_membership_content_column_membership-content-author', 'sv_wc_memberships_my_content_table_add_column_content' );
You could also remove columns: example to remove “Type” column
My Membership Products
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $title the section title
- @return
- string – the updated title
Filters the heading for the “My Products” section.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $columns Associative array of column ids and names
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @return
- array – updated array of columns
Filters the columns in the “My Products” section. If adding a column, be sure to also fill that column with content using the
My Membership Discounts
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $title the section title
- @return
- string – the updated title
Filters the heading for the “My Discounts” section. Example to change the heading to “Exclusive Discounts”.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $columns Associative array of column ids and names
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @return
- array – updated array of columns
Filters the columns in the “My Discounts” section. If adding a column, be sure to also fill that column with content using the
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- bool $show_only_active_discounts Default true
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @param
- int $product_id ID of discounted product
Filters whether the “My Discounts” area should list all discounts for the membership or only active discounts for the membership. Return false to show all discounts (including inactive discounts).
Membership Notes
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $title the section title
- @return
- string – the updated title
Filters the heading for the “Membership Notes” section.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- array $columns Associative array of column ids and names
- @param
- int $user_id ID of logged in user
- @return
- array – updated array of columns
Filters the columns in the “My Membership Notes” section. If adding a column, be sure to also fill that column with content using the
Actions: My Memberships
Fired before My Memberships table in My Account page.
- @since
- 1.4.3
- @param
- WC_Memberships_User_Membership $user_membership
Fires when the column with $column_id is displayed in the My Memberships table. Used to fill a custom column with content.
Fired after My Memberships table in My Account page.
Actions: Member Area
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $section the section ID
Fires before each section of the member area.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- string $section the section ID
Fires after each section of the member area.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- WP_Post $post the post object for which the row’s data is shown
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-membership-content.php
Fired for any “My Content” column added with a custom ID. Fills the table cell with content for this column. See this example.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- WC_Product $product the product object for which the row’s data is shown
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-membership-products.php
Fired for any “My Products” column added with a custom ID. Fills the table cell with content for this column.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- WC_Product $product the product object for which the row’s data is shown
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-membership-discounts.php
Fired for any “My Discounts” column added with a custom ID. Fills the table cell with content for this column.
- @since
- 1.4.0
- @param
- object $note the membership note comment object for the row
located in: /templates/myaccount/my-membership-notes.php
Fired for any “My Membership Notes” column added with a custom ID. Fills the table cell with content for this column.
Actions: General
Runs when Memberships is activated.
Runs when Memberships is deactivated.
- @since
- 1.0.0
- @param
- int $new_id New plan ID
- @param
- WP_Post $post Original plan object
located in: /includes/admin/class-wc-memberships-admin-membership-plans.php
Fires after a membership plan has been duplicated.
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